[Dmm] UK FTSE 100 and Deutsch DAX Futures CFD Live
FTSE 100 Index Future (ICE:Z, ICEU) : The FTSE 100 Index Futures are cash settled upon expiration. The FTSE 100 is a market-capitalisation weighted index of UK-listed blue chip companies. Trading Screen Product Name: FTSE 100 - Stnd Index Future. Trading Screen Hub Name: ICEU. Commodity Code: Z. Unit of Trading: Contract Valued at £10 per index point (e.g. value £65,000 at 6,500.0). Delivery Months: Four quarterly months from in the March, June, September, December quarterly cycle . Settlement Date: First business day after the Last Trading Day. Quotation: Index points (eg 6500.0). Minimum price movement (tick size and value): 0.5 (£5.00). Last Trading Day: Third Friday in delivery month, Trading shall cease as soon as reasonably practicable after 10:15 (London time) once the Expiry Value of the Index has been determined. Trading Hours (London): 1:00 AM - 9:00 PM (01:00 - 21:00) and Pre-Open at 12:45 AM (00:45).
UK FTSE 100 Index : FTSE 100 Index (Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Index), also called FTSE or Footsie. Yahoo: ^FTSE, Google: INDEXFTSE:UKX, Marketwatch: UKX. Consists of the largest 100 UK companies by full market value. A market-capitalisation weighted index of blue chip companies listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE). Represents around 70% of the total market capitalization of the companies listed on the London Stock Exchange.
DAX® Futures Contract Specifications (EUREX:FDAX) :
Product ID: FDAX®
Underlying: DAX®, the blue chip index of Deutsche Börse AG (Underlying ISIN: DE0008469008, Denomination: DAX Performance-Index).
Contract Value: EUR 5
Minimum price change: 1 Points (EUR 5)
Contract months: Standard - up to 9 months: The three nearest quarterly months of the March, June, September and December cycle.
Last trading day and final settlement day: Last trading day is the final settlement day.
Final settlement day: the third Friday of each maturity month.
Mini-DAX® Futures Contract Specifications (EUREX:FDXM) :
Product ID: FDXM
Contract Value: EUR 25
Minimum price change: 0.5 Points (EUR 12.50)
Contract months: Standard - up to 9 months: The three nearest quarterly months of the March, June, September and December cycle.
Last trading day and final settlement day: Last trading day is the final settlement day.
Final settlement day: the third Friday of each maturity month.
DAX Index (Deutscher Aktien indeX, Deutsche Boerse AG German Stock Index) : Germany blue chip stock index, consists of the 30 largest German companies in terms of order book volume and market capitalization trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSX). Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSX) = Frankfurter Wertpapierborse (FWB) = Deutsche Börse AG. = Deutsche Börse Xetra (EXTR : electronic trading system).