[4WD] XETR: DAX Deutsch DAX Index

Left side big chart (Week and Day), Right side small charts (Year and Month)

DAX® Futures Contract Specifications (EUREX:FDAX) :
Product ID: FDAX®
Underlying: DAX®, the blue chip index of Deutsche Börse AG (Underlying ISIN: DE0008469008, Denomination: DAX Performance-Index).

Contract Value: EUR 5
Minimum price change: 1 Points (EUR 5)
Contract months: Standard - up to 9 months: The three nearest quarterly months of the March, June, September and December cycle.
Last trading day and final settlement day: Last trading day is the final settlement day.
Final settlement day: the third Friday of each maturity month.

Mini-DAX® Futures Contract Specifications (EUREX:FDXM) :
Product ID: FDXM

Contract Value: EUR 25
Minimum price change: 0.5 Points (EUR 12.50)
Contract months: Standard - up to 9 months: The three nearest quarterly months of the March, June, September and December cycle.
Last trading day and final settlement day: Last trading day is the final settlement day.
Final settlement day: the third Friday of each maturity month.

DAX Index (Deutscher Aktien indeX, Deutsche Boerse AG German Stock Index) :