[Partisan] SGX:SGP MSCI Singapore Index Futures CFD (SiMSCI Futures)

SGX MSCI Singapore Index Futures (SGX:SGP, SiMSCI Futures) : SGX = Singapore Exchange. The SiMSCI Index currently maintains a significantly high 98% correlation to the STI Index, which is important for portfolio hedging as the SiMSCI Index is the underlying index for the SGX MSCI Singapore Index Futures (SiMSCI Futures). Ticker Symbol: SGP. Product Category: Equity Index. Contract Size: S$100 x SGX MSCI Singapore Index Futures Price. Minimum Price Fluctuation: 0.05 index point (S$5). Contract Months: 2 nearest serial months and 4 quarterly months on March, June, September and December cycle. Trading Hours (Singapore Time): T Session: Pre - Opening: 8:15 am - 8:28 am. Non - Cancel: 8:28 am - 8:30 am. Opening: 8:30 am - 5:20 pm. Pre - Closing: 5:20 pm - 5:24 pm. Non - Cancel: 5:24 pm - 5:25 pm. T+1 Session: Pre - Opening: 5:40 pm - 5:48 pm. Non - Cancel: 5:48 pm - 5:50 pm. Opening: 5:50 pm - 5:15 am. Trading Hours on Last Day: T Session: Pre - Opening: 8:15 am - 8:28 am Non - Cancel: 8:28 am - 8:30 am Opening: 8:30 am - 5:20 pm Pre - Closing: 5:20 pm - 5:24 pm Non - Cancel: 5:24 pm - 5:25 pm. Last Trading Day: The second last business day of the contract month (A business day is defined as a day on which the Singapore stock market is open for trading). Daily Price Limits: ±10% and ±15% from previous day’s settlement price (5 minutes cooling off period when limit is reached). Thereafter no price limits for rest of the day. No price limits for expiring contract on its Last Trading Day. Settlement Basis: Cash settlement. Underlying Index Bloomberg Ticker: SIMSCI . Underlying Index Refinitiv Ticker: SSG: .

MSCI Singapore Free Index (SiMSCI Index) : The index is designed to measure the performance of the large and mid-cap segments of the Singapore market. The index is made up of 25 stocks, of which 24 are mutual constituents of the Straits Times Index (“STI Index”), with the remaining SiMSCI Index constituent, Suntec REIT, on the STI Reserve list. The SiMSCI Index covers approximately 85% of the free float-adjusted market capitalization of the Singapore equity universe.

Terms (expressions) and meanings: FTSE ChinaA50 Index means a free float-adjusted, market capitalisation-weighted index representing the largest 50 ‘A’ Share2companies listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange or Shenzhen Stock Exchange, compiled by FTSE China Index Limited. China Business Day means a day on which both the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange are open for trading. Contract means the SGX FTSE China A50 Index Futures Contract traded on the SGX-DT Market. Cooling OffPeriod means a period of 5 minutes or such other period as the Exchange may from time to time prescribe during which each Contract may only continue to be traded at or within its Price Limits for the time being in force. Final LowerLimit means a price of 15 percent, or such other amount as the Exchange may prescribe from time to time, below the previous Trading Day’s Daily Settlement Price for a Contract. Final UpperLimit meansa price of 15 percent, or such other amount as the Exchange may prescribe from time to time, above the previous Trading Day’s Daily Settlement Price for a Contract. Initial LowerLimit means a price of 10 percent, or such other amount as the Exchange may prescribe from time to time, below the previous Trading Day’s Daily Settlement Price for a Contract. Initial UpperLimit means a price of 10 percent, or such other amount as the Exchange may prescribe from time to time, above the previous Trading Day’s Daily Settlement Price for a Contract. Interim FinalLower Limit means a price equivalent to the previous Trading Day’s Final Lower Limit for a Contract, or such other amount as the Exchange may prescribe from time to time. Interim FinalUpper Limit means a price equivalent to the previous Trading Day’s Final Upper Limit for a Contract, or such other amount as the Exchange may prescribe from time to time. Interim InitialLower Limit means a price equivalent to the previous Trading Day’s Initial Lower Limit or a Contract, or such other amount as the Exchange may prescribefrom time to time. Interim InitialUpper Limit means a price equivalent to the previous Trading Day’s Initial Upper Limit for a Contract, or such other amount as the Exchange may prescribe from time to time.