[Trend] HKEX: HHI Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Futures CFD Live - HSCEI Hong Kong H-shares
Hang Seng China Enterprises Index
There has been growing investors' interest in China-related securities resulting from the rapid expansion of Mainland economy. The Hang Seng China Enterprises Index (HSCEI) is a market capitalisation-weighted stock index which is compiled and calculated by Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited . The HSCEI tracks the performance of major H-shares. H-shares are Renminbi-denominated shares issued by People's Republic of China (PRC) issuers under PRC law and listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, the par values of which are denominated in Renminbi, and which are subscribed for and traded in Hong Kong dollars.
HSCEI Index Futures Contract Summary
(Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Futures)
The HSCEI Index futures were introduced in 8 December 2003 based on the underlying HSCEI.
Exchange : Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX, 香港交易所)
Underlying Index : Hang Seng China Enterprises Index (HSCEI)
Currency : Hong Kong Dollar (HKD)
Contract Multiplier : HK$50 per index point
Minimum Fluctuation : One index point
Contract Months :
1) Short-dated Futures : Spot month, next three calendar month, & next three calendar quarter months; and
2) Long-dated Futures : the three months of June and December plus the next three months of December
Pre-Market Opening Period : 8:45 am - 9:15 am & 12:30 pm - 1:00 pm
Trading Hours :
1) 9:15 am - 12:00 noon
2) 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm & 5:15 pm - 3:00 am (Expiring contract month closes at 4:00 pm on the Last Trading Day)
Last Trading Day : The second last Trading day of the Contract Month
Final Settlement Price : The average of quotations taken at (i) five (5) minute intervals from five (5) minutes after the start of, and up to five (5) minutes before the end of, the Continuous Trading Session of SEHK; and (ii) the close of trading on SEHK on the Last Trading Day.
Transaction Costs
1) Exchange Fee : HK$3.50
2) Commission Levy : HK$0.54
3) Commission Rate : Negotiable
[Categories of Chinese Stocks]
A Shares
hares of companies incorporated in Mainland China, listed in Mainland China, and traded in Renminbi (Restrictions on investment apply for foreign investors)
B Shares
Shares of companies incorporated in Mainland China, listed in Mainland China, and traded in foreign currencies (i.e., USD on Shanghai Stock Exchange and HKD on Shenzhen Stock Exchange)
H Shares
Shares of companies incorporated in Mainland China and listed in Hong Kong
Red Chip
Shares of companies incorporated outside Mainland China and listed in Hong Kong. At least 30% of the shares are owned by Mainland China state companies (i.e., companies funded by the Chinese central government or local government, etc.), and at least 50 % of its revenue or assets are derived from Mainland China.
P Chip
Shares of companies incorporated outside Mainland China and listed in Hong Kong. These companies are controlled by Mainland China individuals, and at least 50 % of its revenue or assets are derived from Mainland China. P chips exclude stocks classified as red chips.
[FTSE China Indices]
The FTSE China Indices represent all the main China share classes so you can combine and dissect the market to suit any domestic or international mandate.
FTSE China Index (HK Listed)
The FTSE China Index is a market-capitalization weighted index representing the performance of large and mid cap Chinese stocks included in the FTSE Global Equity Index Series universe. The FTSE China Index is a subset of FTSE All World Index and FTSE Emerging Index. The FTSE China Index include constituents of A Shares, B Shares, H Shares, Red Chips, P Chips, S Chips and N Shares. S Chips and N shares were included in the FTSE China Index from September 2017. A Shares were included from June 2019.
FTSE China 50 Index (HK Listed)
The FTSE China 50 Index is administered by FTSE International Limited and it is composed of 50 H shares, red chips, and P chips selected based on market value and liquidity from among Chinese stocks listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong.
FTSE China A-H 50 Index
The FTSE China A-H 50 Index is designed to represent the performance of securities (i.e. “A” shares and/or “H” shares) of the largest companies incorporated in the People’s Republic of China. The FTSE China A-H 50 Index has the same constituents at a company level as the FTSE China A50 Index. Only one share class will be selected to represent each company, i.e. either the “A” share or the “H” share.
FTSE China A All Cap Index
FTSE China A Innovative Enterprises Index
FTSE China A Stock Connect CNY All Cap Index
FTSE China All Cap Index
FTSE China B Share All Cap Index
FTSE China H Share All Cap Index
FTSE–Xinhua China A 50 Index (XIN9)
(Futures SGX: CN, Currency: USD)
Xinhua (新华) = Xinhua News Agency (新华通讯社). Index Identifier is XIN9. FTSE China A50 Index tracks the performance of the largest 50 ‘A’ shares companies in China and is comprising the largest 50 A Share companies by full market capitalisation of the securities listed on the Shanghai stock exchanges (SSE) and Shenzhen stock exchanges (SZSE). Free-float adjusted, market capitalisation-weighted index. Quoted in Chinese Renminbi Yuan (CNY).