Colombia MSCI COLCAP Index Components (stocks) Price chart and List

The MSCI COLCAP Index, jointly created by MSCI and Bolsa de Valores de Colombia (bvc) is designed to represent the performance of the domestic Colombian equity market, and aims to include a minimum of 25 securities and 20 issuers based on free-float-adjusted market capitalization, liquidity and international investability criteria. Coinciding with MSCI’s May 2021 Index Review, the index is set to launch and replace the bvc COLCAP Index effective May 28, 2021.

COLCAP Index :
COLCAP is the main stock market index of the Colombia Stock Exchange since November 2013 when it replaced IGBC as the leading index for Colombia. It consists of the 20 most actively traded shares. COLCAP index was inaugurated on January 5, 2008 with an initial value of 1,000.

Colombia Securities Exchange (Bolsa de Valores de Colombia : BVC) :
Currency: Colombian peso (COP). Indices: COLCAP Index. MSCI COLCAP Index. As an infrastructure provider and securities issuer, the BVC is overseen by the Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia. Location: Bogotá, Colombia. Founded in 1928. Created as a result of merging three independent stock exchanges: Bogotá (Bolsa de Bogotá, 1928), Medellín (Bolsa de Medellín, 1961) and Occidente (Bolsa de Occidente, Cali, 1983).