Vietnam HNX 30 stock price chart : Hanoi blue-chip stocks HNX 30 Index Components List

HNX 30 Index (HNX: HNX30) :
Base date: 03/01/2012
Base value: 100

Selection of constituent stocks in HNX 30 Index:
(1) Tirstly selected by ranking in terms of average daily trading value for last 12 months; among those the 100 highest average daily trading value stocks will be selected (Top100).
(2) The Top100 stocks shall be re-ranked in terms of average daily Free Float-adjusted market capitalization (FFMC) over last 12 months; among those the 70 biggest stocks will be selected (Top70).
(3) The Top70 selected stocks will be checked for liquidity standards.
(4) Among the stocks meet the above liquidity standards, review and remove stocks under special situations, as determined by the Index Committee (if any).
(5) Select 30 stocks with the largest FFMC and ensuring that the number of stocks in each industry[1] does not exceed 20% number of stocks in HNX 30. The remaining stocks will remain in a list of provisional stocks.

Hanoi Stock Exchange(HNX)
Formerly the Hanoi Securities Trading Center (Hanoi STC), launched in March 2005 and handles auctions and trading of stocks and bonds. The Hanoi STC was renamed in 2009 to the Hanoi Stock Exchange. It is the second securities trading center after to Ho Chi Minh City Securities Trading Center. Located in Hanoi, Vietnam. The owner is Vietnam Ministry of Finance. Founded in 3 August 2005. On 18 May 2015, the HNX joined the United Nations Sustainable Stock Exchanges (SSE) initiative as part the SSE's regional dialogue in Bangkok hosted by the Stock Exchange of Thailand. From 2020, HNX will serve as Vietnam's bonds exchange while all stock tradings will be transferred to Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange (HOSE).